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F1TENTH Sim Racing League @ IROS 2024

F1TENTH Sim Racing League @ IROS 2024


F1TENTH Autonomous Racing is a semi-regular competition organized by an international community of researchers, engineers, and autonomous systems enthusiasts. The teams participating in the 21st F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix at IROS 2024 will write software for a 1:10 scaled autonomous race car to fulfill the objectives for the competition: drive fast but don’t crash!

This time, we are organizing the first ever F1TENTH Sim Racing League, which leverages AutoDRIVE Ecosystem to model and simulate the digital twin of an F1TENTH racecar within a virtual racetrack. Please see the accompanying video for a glimpse of the F1TENTH digital twins in action.

The main focus of the Sim Racing League is a virtual competition with simulated cars and environments, which is accessible to everyone across the globe. For the IROS 2024 competition, each team will be provided with a standardized simulation setup (in the form of a digital twin of the F1TENTH vehicle, and a digital twin of the Porto racetrack) within the high-fidelity AutoDRIVE Simulator. Additionally, teams will also be provided with a working implementation of the AutoDRIVE Devkit to get started with developing their autonomy algorithms. Teams will have to develop perception, planning, and control algorithms to parse the real-time sensor data streamed from the simulator and generate control commands to be fed back to the simulated vehicle.

The competition will take place in 2 stages:

  • Qualification Race: Teams will demonstrate their ability to complete multiple laps around the practice track without colliding with the track bounds at run time.
  • Time-Attack Race: Teams will compete against the clock, on a previously unseen racetrack, to secure a position on the leaderboard.

Since the vehicle, the sensors, the simulator, and the devkit are standardized, teams must develop robust racing algorithms that can deal with the uncertainties of an unseen racetrack.


If you are interested in autonomously racing physical F1TENTH vehicles, please check out the website for 21st F1TENTH Autonomous Grand Prix, which will be held in person at IROS 2024. You can always register and compete in both physical and virtual competitions!


Dr. Rahul Mangharam Dr. Venkat Krovi Dr. Johannes Betz Chinmay Samak Tanmay Samak
Ahmad Amine Hongrui Zheng Dr. Fabio Bonsignorio Dr. Enrica Zereik Dr. Bilal Hassan
Bushra Alshehhi Dr. Fady Alnajjar Dr. Majid Khonji Dr. Hamad Karaki Dr. Pedro Lima



Timeline is subject to change. Please keep checking this page for any updates.

Jul 22, 2024 Registration Opens
Aug 31, 2024 Registration Closes
Sep 02, 2024 (5:30 – 6:30 PM EDT) Online Orientation 1
Sep 18, 2024 (5:30 – 6:30 PM EDT) Online Orientation 2
Sep 28 – Sep 29, 2024 Qualification Round
Oct 04, 2024 Competition Track Released
Oct 05 – Oct 06, 2024 Final Race
Oct 07, 2024 Results Declared

Following is a brief summary of each event:

  • Registration: Interested teams will register for the Sim Racing League.
  • Online Orientation 1: Organizers will explain the competition rules and guidelines, and demonstrate how to use the simulation framework.
  • Online Orientation 2: Organizers will check progress of the participating teams and help with any technical difficulties.
  • Qualification Round: Teams will demonstrate successful completion of 10 laps around the practice track provided ahead of time.
  • Competition Track Released: Organizers will release the actual "competition track", which will be used for the final race. This track may be replicated in the physical race as well.
  • Final Race: Organizers will collect containerized algorithms from each team and connect them with the containerized simulator. Performance metrics of each team will be recorded.
  • Results Declared: Standings of all the teams will be released.


The F1TENTH Sim Racing League will be held approximately 1 week ahead of IROS 2024 and the performance metrics will be made available to the teams. Discussions are underway with the IROS organizing team to allow teams to analyze and present their approach/results in a short (~10 min) presentation in a special session at IROS 2024.


AutoDRIVE is envisioned to be an open, comprehensive, flexible and integrated cyber-physical ecosystem for enhancing autonomous driving research and education. It bridges the gap between software simulation and hardware deployment by providing the AutoDRIVE Simulator and AutoDRIVE Testbed, a well-suited duo for real2sim and sim2real transfer targeting vehicles and environments of varying scales and operational design domains. It also offers AutoDRIVE Devkit, a developer's kit for rapid and flexible development of autonomy algorithms using a variety of programming languages and software frameworks. For the Sim Racing League, teams will develop their autonomous racing algorithms using the AutoDRIVE Devkit to interface with the AutoDRIVE Simulator in real-time.

F1TENTH is an international community of researchers, engineers, and autonomous systems enthusiasts. It is centered around the idea of converting a 1:10 scale RC car into an autonomous vehicle for research and education; check out the documentation to build your own F1TENTH autonomous racecar. Additionally, if you are new to the field of autonomous racing, you can refer to the complete course material, which is open sourced. If you already have some experience with autonomous racing, feel free to delve deeper into the research enabled by F1TENTH. Lastly, you can also check out the physical F1TENTH races that are being organized all around the world. For the Sim Racing League, teams will not require a physical F1TENTH vehicle; however, the learning resources can certainly be useful to get your autonomous racing fundamentals right!

We recommend all the teams interested in participating in the F1TENTH Sim Racing League to get accustomed with the competition. Following are a few resources to get you started:


You can post general questions on the AutoDRIVE Slack workspace; this is the preferred modality. Technical questions can be also posted as GitHub Issues or GitHub Discussions. For any other questions or concerns that cannot be posted publicly, please contact Chinmay Samak or Tanmay Samak.


This competition is open for everyone around the world - students, researchers, hobbyists, professionals, or anyone else who is interested. A team can consist of multiple teammates. Teams with only one person are also allowed.

Registration Form

Registration for the Sim Racing League is free of cost and separate from the Physical Racing League and the conference registrations themselves. The above form signs you up only for the Sim Racing League, and for its orientation and information sessions. Although you can participate in the Sim Racing League without attending the conference, we strongly encourage all competition participants to attend the conference in person. This will help you connect with the broader AutoDRIVE and F1TENTH communities, and you can also witness/participate in the physical F1TENTH autonomous racing competition!

Registered teams are added to the following table:

01 SAGOL JoonCheol Park Personal
02 Solo Abdul Rahman Khader Khalifa University
03 OptimusPrime Sahruday Patti University of Maryland, College Park
04 Velizar Zlatev Velizar Zlatev University of Bristol
05 Beryllium Ronnie Romman Personal
06 Cornell Electric Vehicles Jason Klein
Eric Marchetti
Zach Chosed
Utku Melemetci
Sidharth Rao
Myles Pasetsky
Zephan Sanghani
Sia Chitnis
Nicole Sin
Cornell University
07 Robotisim Dev Muhammad Luqman
Yusuf Butt
08 Log Robotics Logesh G Bannari Amman Institute of Technology
09 Lone Rider Akshay Laddha Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
10 Atlas 2.0 Manav Gagvani Purdue University
11 The Buttowskis Kalash Jain Pandit Deendayal Energy University
12 Hanuman Parakram Dheeraj Bhurewar
Vaibhav Wanere
Akash Sundar
Suryaprakash Senthil Kumar
13 Pallas Haris Khan Skoltech
14 Gopher Speedsters Sujeendra Ramesh University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
15 Autopilots Nouf Aljaberi
Amna Muhammad
Hajar Alnaqbi
Shouq Zanki
Sara Almessabie
United Arab Emirates University
16 i3 Pranav Kallem Personal
17 RobotX & More Oussama Errouji
Imad-Eddine NACIRI
Euro Mediterranean University of Fez
18 IEEE Zagazig SB Abdulrahman Omar
Hossam Elsherbiny
Essam Shenhab
Eman Abdelhamed
Abdullah Elmasry
Salma Swailem
Merna Atef
Amr Yasser
Mahmoud Samy
Mostafa Asaad
Menna Gamal
Ahmed Medhat
Zagazig University
19 AMUGAE Kim Amugae Personal
20 TURTLEBOT Jit Ern Lim Personal
21 Byte Benders Bhajneet Singh Bedi Personal
22 KGX Hareesh R
Raja Rajan K
Ramesh Patel D
Marudhu Paandian K
Bhuvaneshwari Kanagaraj
KGISL Institute of technology
23 NaN Hariharan Ravichandran
Siva Vignesh Krishnan Chidambaram
24 Vortex Chinmay K National Institute of Technology, Karnataka
25 bracaai Luis M Bracamontes
Luis Bracamontes
Braca Vision
26 ASU Racing Team Abdallah Ismail
Mahmoud Omar
Hussien Algendy
Serag Abdelmohsen
Ammar Ahmed
Ahmed Sallam
Malk Hany
Ain Shams University
27 TurboX Dheeraj Bhogisetty Personal
28 TractionX Ameya Bagal
Ananya Das
Amizhthni PRK
Aayush Ranawat
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
29 Urban AI Adham Fayad
Abdulrahman Ahmed
Nabil Fouda
George Welson
Muhab Muhammed
Mostafa Samy
Ain Shams University
30 fstMINI José Mateus
Duarte Domingues
Instituto Superior Técnico
31 Buggy Coders Cody Uehara Personal
32 AutoVision Luis Bracamontes Personal
33 Autobots Shubham Barge
Anshuman Jena
34 Kyber-Kabs Aditya Jambhale SRM Institute of Science and Technology
35 SUST AutoDrive Abul Bashar Raz
Ad-Deen Mahbub
Shafi Abdullah
Fardeen Mosharraf
Redwan Hassan
Taj Ahmed
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
36 VersusAI Junior Jesus
Alisson Kolling
Pedro Pinheiro
Victor Kich
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
37 vijAYAM Adarsh Baburaj Manipal University (MU), Dubai
38 OutRunner Nihad Jifri
Arif Sidhiequ
Midhun Manoharan
39 simracer Vinura Wanniarachchi Personal
40 Phoenix Aman Kumar Singh
Lakshmikanth Nageswar
Kandregula Abhinav
Suchi Sharma
41 KU F1TENTH Riley Anderson
Jackson Yanek
The University of Kansas
42 Void Gonna Yaswanth
Prajyot Jadhav
43 Aztec Autonomous Racing Team (AART) Hyunjong Choi
Pascal Reich
Hyunhee Kwak
San Diego State University
44 IDEA_LAB Myeongjun Kim
Ji-hong Park
Juyoung Kim
Sunwoong Moon
Gyuhyeok Lee
Sujin Park
Gyeongsang National University
45 Aumechtron Siddhant Diwaker
Aryan Iyer
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
46 UJI Enric Cervera Universitat Jaume-I
47 TurboTrack AI Swapneel Dhananjay Wagholikar Personal
48 InDIGo Nikolaos Sarantinoudis Technical University of Crete
49 Shelby S Srikaanth
S A Gogulnath
Sastra Deemed University
50 Noyma Roni Emad
Youssef Karam
Ahmed Khalifa
John Maged
Mina Sameh
Andrew Bahaa
Marise Nachaat
Mark Medhat
51 BREATH Wonbin Lee
Sechan Park
Sunhwan Lee
Handong Global University
52 SNAIL Minsu Kim
Minyoung Song
Sieun Park
Handong Global University
53 Shoubra Racing Team Ahmed Elmasry
Mohamed Alaa
Hana Ahmed
Hazem Abuelanin
Benha University - Shoubra Faculty of Engineering
54 Kanka Goktug Poyrazoglu
Volkan Isler
Yukang Cao
Burak Mert Gonultas
Qingyuan Jiang
Burak Susam
William Chastek
University of Minnesota
55 Kılavuz-Mekatronom Mehmet Baha Dursun
Mustafa Kurban
Hüseyin Ayvacı
Cihat Kurtuluş Altıparmak
Saha Robotik
56 AA Lab Taha Kocyigit Bogazici University
57 Cognitron Abhinav Pillai
Abid Ansari
Muhamed Shijas
Safa N
Razeen Rasheed
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
58 VAUL Tommy Bouchard-Lebrun
William Fecteau
Nicolas Lauzon
Laval University


The above table will be updated with newly registered teams within a few days of registration. Please contact Chinmay Samak or Tanmay Samak if you do not see your team entry for more than 7 days after registering.


To be announced on Oct 07, 2024.